Community Gardens of Shoreline & Lake Forest Park
Community gardens come in many forms: demonstration and education; traditional p-patches or cooperative ventures; flowers, vegetables, orchards, or simply healthy habitat for local flora and fauna. They take root on both public and private property, in parks, at churches, on school grounds, in parking strips, and on vacant lots.
5th Avenue Community Garden5th Avenue Community Garden is an organic garden on the grounds of Shoreline Free Methodist Church, near the Shoreline Library in Shoreline, Washington. This garden was built and planted with a vision to connect the neighborhood.
From seasoned gardeners to those who have just begun, they are a community that is constantly learning with each other. They expect to have a few plots available in 2024, and the 2024 new gardener application will be available on their website in early March 2024. Click here to check out their website and apply. Animal Acres / Lake Forest Park
Calvin PresbyterianCalvin Presbyterian’s community garden was the vision of community-minded gardeners who wanted to an affordable way for folks to grow. Calvin still has some plots available now, and more plots in the months to come. Not ready to take on an entire plot yourself? Consider helping in the garden as a whole, and sharing in the harvest! If you have questions or comments about Calvin Presbyterian Community Garden, please call 206-542-6181 or email: [email protected].
Midvale Garden ProjectThe Midvale Garden project is located on a plot of land owned by Seattle City Light near the Interurban Trail at N 192nd & Aurora Ave N. Diggin' board member Derek Creisler has spearheaded this project since 2019 with the permission of City Light. Diggin' has contracted with Earthcraft Services to bring in goats each year to help maintain the site until such time as a garden can be created. The City of Shoreline helped design the preliminary sketches of the proposed garden, board, but plans changed after the PRCS Department was reorganized. Diggin' still hopes to partner with the City, nearby apartment owners and City Light to ultimately turn this spot into a beautiful respite along the Interurban Trail... perhaps as a future community garden or food forest.
Shorewood Culinary Arts GardenThis King County Master Gardener Youth Education garden was created in collaboration with the Shorewood High School Culinary Arts program, to engage students in cultivating, harvesting and cooking with fresh, organic ingredients. The garden is located on campus. During the school year the produce is used by the students for their dinners and catered affairs. In the summer our produce goes to a local Shoreline church that provides a weekly dinner for the food insecure in the community.
In 2023, Diggin' Shoreline was able to supplement the culinary student plant sale fundraiser with lots of great plant starts. |
Ronald CommonsOpened in early 2017 in Shoreline, Ronald Commons is a Compass Housing Alliance resident program provides 60 units of housing for formerly homeless and low-income individuals and families with children. They offer year-round scheduling of events/activities for community enrichment and growth, including garden beds for their residential community. Diggin' Shoreline is pleased to provide ongoing support for these gardening enthusiasts by providing soil amendments and plant starts annually, and educational support as needed.
Sunset School Park